Sunday, 16 November 2008

Weekend Roundup #7

Woah, busy week on the blog. A whole 14 posts breaks the weekly record here on TWP, signaling both that we are paying more attention to blogging, and at the same time do not want to do homework. Anyway, lets dive in to the gaming goings-on of the last week.

Both myself and the Wanderer have been pretty dedicated to LittleBigPlanet this week, pretty unsurprisingly. Both having run through the Story mode at least one-and-a-half times, we're getting pretty awesome: he's aced the whole game and collected nearly everything, and I'm not too far behind. We're now both focused on making some levels ourselves, and have been dabbling also in some online playing (which would be a lot easier if the servers weren't so temperamental. My PS3 also decided to have a few days of crazy towards the end of the week which was no fun, but a Games Lounge held at school on Friday gave me a chance to play some good old fashioned PAIN Bowling with Wanderer and some other mates (I shotgunned the Hoff, naturally). Fryingpan on the other hand has been indulging here and there in LBP but mostly playing Left4Dead which he declares to be awesome (check out his post from earlier this week for evidence of creative juice). He's also grabbed CoD: World at War so expect to hear more from him on that soon; our hands on with the multiplayer mode at Eurogamer was too mental to talk about due to noobiness.

Apparently the developers and newsmakers have been having a busy week too, so here's my pick of the stories you may have missed:
Next week is sure to be even more LBP-filled, and we'll be summing up our coverage of the Eurogamer Expo and waxing lyrical about MotorStorm.

See you soon.


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