Thursday, 20 November 2008

Yeah, We Can Read

Well, I got my copy of the Official UK PlayStation Magazine through today, so let's have a flick through and see what's going down.

First of all, there's the world exclusive announcement, deets and screens of Dirt 2. Then plenty of info on Killzone 2, and interviews with Shuhei Yoshida, Alex Evans and Nolan North (the voice of Nathan Drake and the new Prince of Persia).

Rumours-wise, APB is supposedly coming to PS3, as is the oft-delayed Splinter Cell Conviction. EA is making a Dante's Inferno game (presumably the one Variety were talking about last month), and have laid-off staff working on Steven Spielberg's LMNO (that's fact, not rumour). Appaently work on MGS5 has begun with a new hero, Sony is readying a Wiimote of its own that uses the Eye in some way (that old rumour again) and it'll be three years until the next game from Bethesda's Fallout team.

Previews include White Knight Chronicles, Killzone 2, Demon's Souls, Red Faction (die!), Quantum Theory, Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, Bayonetta and FEAR 2. There's also a feature on the upcoming PSN hits such as Crash Commando, The Punisher, Flower, Savage Moon etc.

In reviews, Prince of Persia gets an 8, NFS Undercover earns a surprisingly high 7, Fallout 3 a beautiful 9, Quantum of Solace 6, Manhunt 2 bullies the review editor into gettign another 8, as does Call of Duty World at War, MK vs DC and SOCOM both get 7s, Guitar Hero and Rock Band 2 both get 9s (so unhelpful) and Rock Revolution gets the shitty-game-of-the-month award with a 4. Alone in the Dark scrapes a 6, MotoGP a 7, Golden Axe also gets a 4, GTi Club+ a 6 and Shaun White bombs his way to a 5.

There are many many more, but go buy the magazine you lazy bastards. This issue (26) will be out next Tuesday for the normal £5.99 and has some epic Prince of Persia art on the front.


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