Friday, 7 November 2008

Store Detectives: 07/11/08

Hello and welcome all to a new feature here at ThinkWithPortals, and one in which we offer a dedicated service to all you loyal PlayStation Store addicts out there. With Store Detectives, which will likely be up sometime each Friday, we shall take a look at the week’s Store update, and offer our (potentially helpful) thoughts on the latest selection of downloadable goodies.

(I’d just like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that we are talking about the European Store update here, not the US. /confusion.)

Firstly: what I won’t be talking about. Sorry Spin Jam, I don’t know you. Sorry Bayonetta trailer, but I watched one of you online and I cried of shittiness. Sorry Rock Band and Guitar Hero DLC, I don’t have either of your overpriced instruments. And sorry SoulCalibur DLC also, when you went all product placement you lost any respect I many previously have had for you.
Moving on to what I have grabbed today, and you know what, it says something about how good the Euro store updates have got over the past while that there’s actually more content that all I just pissed all over up above.

- Theme Park (PSone Classic) is a must-get for me, I loved the game first time around, and if it can maintain the charm like Theme Hospital (already on the store) has, it’s another winner from the days of PlayStation long gone.
- Thank God for the “skip this bit” feature on Alone on the Dark: Inferno. Because in the demo just released (that’s right, the demo, where you show the bestest bit of the whole game) there is one bit which is boring and another bit which the clunky controls deem impossible. One of those demos that make you less likely to buy the full game. Oh and having to press the right analog stick to blink? BAD.
- There's also Metal Gear Solid 4 demo. For once I agree with the general consensus on the internet: wtf. Little bit late maybe? Well not really. After doing its sales on release, Konami want it to do just as well this Xmas, so that explains that. The actual demo? Well, it's good. I can't really elaborate that much because I died a lot - I've never played a MGS game (and a way into the fourth in the series isn't a sensible place to start), and I suck at stealth. But you'll be glad to know you can play it reasonably well as an action game. Just until you have to sneak somewhere. Either way, everyone should at least play this game once to experience it for themselves.
- LittleBigPlanet DLC: yes, I bought it all. Even the £4 t-shirt. But I do have something to say: “Media Molecule, I bought it this week because I really wanted that shirt, but put anything else up (however rare) for that much, and you’ll be unlikely to see a buy from me”. Seriously, it’s mad - £4 for a t-shirt when a full outfit is 99p (MotorStorm) or free (Spaceman). All of the items look exquisite in-game by the way.
- I did get the Enlistment Pack for EndWar, even though I don’t have the game yet, because based on my hands-on at Eurogamer (which you can read shortly) it is a definite buy for me, and when the DLC is free for a week only, it’s nice to have to grab from my Download List when I do get hold of the game. There’s a nice trailer up too.
- The “Launching the PSP-3000” video is not really all that particular to the 3000’s features and is in fact just like any of the other PSP promo vids on the Store already.
- If I wasn’t hyped enough for this game already, the launch trailer for Bioshock would’ve surely pushed me over the edge. Note: it may be £40 at retail, but and both have it for £30.
- Tomb Raider Underworld making-of videos. It’s like they want to make the game less enticing. So tedious. Again, Eurogamer hands-on soon.
- One thing I find so very odd about the game trailers that go up on the Store is their timing. Two Need for Speed trailers went up today, yet they are weeks old, and there are in-face at least 4 more recent ones to pick from around the internet.
- Pure trailer? Just looks generic. I recently got a chance to spend some time with the final game and this trailer really doesn’t do it justice. Unlike MotorStorm’s mayhem racing, Pure is a lot more about tricks and, therefore, has more of an emphasis on getting airborne. It’s just a very different experience, and not really all that comparable beyond them both being dusty racing games.
- Aaand finally, I come to you, Mr “I’m a paid Bioshock theme”. The EU store has yet to get a paid themes section like the US one, and so this was a bit of a surprise, particularly considering the Bioshock theme already on the store for free, and not looking to shabby. I would’ve downloaded you Mr Theme, but there’s no preview. Failure. Not gonna spend money on a theme when so many that get uploaded nowadays are quite terrible.

So this week, you need to spend a grand total of £5.58 - and yes that is just the LBP content. But free-wise, if you haven't played MGS4, grab the demo, and if you've got EndWar grab that free DLC cos you can't argue with free.


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