I myself spent the beginning of the week getting to grips with Mercenaries 2: World at Flames on PS3, playing large amounts of online co-op with Aquatic and one or two other online buddies who also have the game. Post-Eurogamer and the PlayStation Store update I've been playing around in the Mirror's Edge and EndWar demos, and rather annoyingly, my Bluetooth headset died halfway through a run-through of the latter - SingStar microphones to the rescue - but at least now I have a decent excuse to get the official PlayStation one when it comes out.
Mr Aquatic has been just as busy as me, and after starting the week showing me the ropes of Mercs, he has been splitting his time between Uncharted: Drake's Fortune that he picked up the other week on the cheap, and his new best friend Dead Space. Unfortunately for him, the new LPB release date of the 5th falls directly on the day he goes to Italy for a week, which is just pure bad luck (the lucky sod), and unfortunately for me, I have no money to buy it either.

Although obviously the dates are different (thanks SCEE!) it's gonna be mental from here on out until Christmas. Here on the blog, this week will be just as busy as we continue with our Eurogamer reportage, and try some new things. Keep em peeled!
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