Saturday, 22 November 2008

Weekend Roundup #8

Well, what to make of this week. It was so uneventful: very little gaming news of any kind, a pretty crappy Store update and...oh yeah, then came Home. In a surprise announcement that surprised absolutely no-one, Sony decided Home 1.0 was ready and went out to the first new batch of testers on Friday. Unfortunately the European e-mails messed up due to a bit a technical doodoo, but hopefully I'll get one when they go out Monday (there's another batch due Thursday if you're not one of the lucky ones). But regardless of whether you get it this week, in a couple of weeks time, EVERYONE will finally have Home. And you know what, it's so close I can taste it - now its finally just round the corner, I'm actually pretty excited. But I'll leave going on about it anymore until such a time where we can get our grubby mits on it for the first time.

Fryingpan is the only one doing anything new this week, and has been completely contactable since acquiring Left 4 Dead on Friday. He reports it is quite awesome, or at least he would if he hadn't already assumed his role as Defender Against the Undead (a role Aquatic is highly envious of). Aquatic himself has gone underground as well, popping up only occasionally to show me how his epic LittleBigPlanet level is coming along. Hint: it is suhweeet. And me? Well I've gone back to GTA. I've been meaning to jump back in since the trophy patch launched, as it gave me some kind of purpose to restarting the game, and not cocking up/using cheats. I also started a new game of Uncharted on Crushing, and died in the introduction. Fail indeed.

There are some bits and bobs you may have seen or may have missed however: here's my pick of the internet this week:
Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and we'll see you next week when (hopefully) we'll be noticeably less Homeless.

Octopus done.

(*Oh yes I did.)


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