Just a little heads up to say that this week's Store Detectives has been indefinitely postponed due to a technical issue with the PS3 related to some problems I'm currently having with the electrics in my house.
This is the archive site of ThinkWithPortals. You can now find us at our shiny new home on Keybrood (http://www.keybrood.com). Please come join us! Oh, and update your bookmarks also!
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The best bits from the last week on TWP.
in which Octopus tells all about upcoming LBP content. Red Alert 2 Fest
in which Armadillo spreads horrible, horrible lies. So I Lost My Job
in which Fryingpan explains where he's been hiding lately. Signed Sealed and Dated
in which Aquatic posts spring release dates and rejoices. Weekend Roundup XV
in which Octopus announces changes here at TWP.
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