Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Fallout 3 DLC and G.E.C.K

Recently, I have been raving about L4D mostly, so now for what else I have been playing.

Fallout 3, recently described to me as having the weirdest and most disturbing opening of any game played, is amazing. Yes it has been out for a while, but thankfully, Bethesda have announced the release of Downloadable content.

And more importantly, the G.E.C.K (or software kit) which allows the modders to finally appear from their holes and give us amazing custom content just like Oblivion before.

The G.E.C.K is due December.

The DLC will come in three batches as of going to print, in January, February and March. These will provide new locations and a continuation of the main quest.

Confirmed locations are: The Pitt (based in Pittsburgh) Anchorage and Alaska

These should be good.

More on Fallout 3 as it arrives and possibly a short story on it.



Anonymous said...

I curse all Bethesda games.....

PS3 Owner

Aquatic Wanderer said...

I'm right there with you. Now we must flee before the ninja's arrive.

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