Wednesday, 31 December 2008
TWP Awards 08: Best Interface

TWP Awards 08: Best Trophies

Winner: Warhawk (PS3/PSN)
I think that Warhawk deserves this prize, purely because it pulls off this whole Trophy balance thing perfectly, and also because they patched such an old game when many others didn't bother. The list for Warhawk features a couple of easy bronzes, and then a mix of bronze silver and gold for quirky events in-game, as well as ranking up. But it is the surprise trophies that are the best - when you are playing a perfectly normal frantic game, and just see a random trophy pop-up.
Runner Up: Pain (PSN)
Pain is here because its trophies really seperate the men from the boys -they are bastard hard, and require a helluva lotta commitment to the game.
Runner Up: Burnout Paradise (PS3/PSN)
Runner Up: LittleBigPlanet (PS3)
These two are here because they, like Warhawk, get the balance just right, and use the trophies to encourage players to get involved with the community.
Runner Up: WipEout HD (PSN)
In this list just because you know you've won at life when you acheive 'Trancendence"
Honourable Mention: Linger in Shadows (PSN) & Far Cry 2 (PS3)
Their trophies aren't as great as the rest on this list, but here as honourable mentions because of the sheer WTF factor. LiS' trophies are acheived by messing with the game/movie with the controller, and have useless descriptions. Far Cry 2's are just as unhelpful descripton-wise and sound a lot more epic than they likely actually are.
TWP Awards 08: Best Narration

WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 Ft. ECW DLC

- Evan Bourne - playable Superstar (Injured part-time partner of Kofi Kingston)
- Ted DiBiase Jr. - playable Superstar
- Charlie Haas - playable Superstar (Used to be part of the World's Greatest Tag Team with Shelton Benjamin)
- Chris Jericho - alternate attire
And on PlayStation Network, the pack will also include these exclusives:
- Masked Kane - playable Superstar
- Mario - Christmas-themed attire
- Edge - alternate attire
- MVP - alternate attire
Problems for Apple?
A spokesman for Apple declined to comment on the rumour.
When asked about Jobs' health, the spokesman said "if ever Steve or the board of directors decided that he was no longer capable of doing his job as CEO of Apple, I'm sure they will let you know."
Gizmodo quoted a "solid source" which it did not identify, as saying that Jobs' "rapidly declining" health was the real reason behind his decision to cancel a keynote speech at next week's MacWorld conference. It title the report "rumour".
Apple shares have been trading up 1.5 percent at $87.92 before moving sharply lower. The stock then recovered to trade down about half a percent at $86.15 by mid-afternoon.
TWP Awards 08: Best Post-Launch Support

Winner: Burnout Paradise (PS3/PSN)
TWP Awards 08: Best Story

If you haven't played Bioshock yet, irrelevant of platform, then you really are missing out. And its a testament to those who made the game that I don't even want to talk about the plot of the game that much - it has such great twists and turns that I'd prefer everyone to discover it for themselves. I managed to avoid spoilers all the way up to playing the game myself, and it paid off: the atmosphere and narrative created in the world of Rapture really are spectacular.
Runner Up: Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3)
Whilst MGS4 has been hailed elsewhere for its supposedly incredible story, we found that in fact, the convoluted story-lines and ridiculously long cutscenes made us just lose track of - and interest in - what was going on.
Runner Up: Grand Theft Auto IV (PS3)
I'll admit that this GTA does storytelling better than before, but the dingy setting tied with the monotonous plot proves that you need an interesting environment (such as Rapture or Vice City) to be able to tell an intriguing story in a game.
Runner Up: Resistance 2 (PS3)
Resistance 2's place as runner up here is a little unfair as we have yet to play the majority of the game, but in the transition from R1's narrated storytelling and silent hero to R2's overdramatic cutscenes and talkative main character (and also separately the move from quirky Britain to America), the Resistance series has unfortunately lost some of its charm.
Monday, 29 December 2008
Our Best Games of 2008
Sunday, 28 December 2008
The reason for the embargo delaying the release of the magazine to subscribers (like us) was probably the Uncharted 2 feature as we guessed. And the exclusive shots and deets sail in at number one of the magazines 'Big 10'. The preview fills in a bit about the story of the sequel - Drake is following Marco Polo's secret mission to supposedly find the utopian Shangri-La and the Cintamani Stone that resides there (probably what we saw in that first teased vid). Gameplay-wise, the new game is all about adding more to the already essential Uncharted experience. Grenades do now not require SIXAXIS control to throw, replaced with a simple button press, moving cover can be found in riot shields and the like, and Drake can now swing on monkey bars and indulge himself in a bit of free running here and there. There's also more stealth in this game: on top of the free-running, Drake has a series of stealth takedowns in his arsenal. But the most important thing? Elena appears to have been switched out for new girl Chloe Frazer (who is Australian, sigh), but the developers were coy on the possible return of Elena and Sully at some point in the game, which should be out sometime towards the end of next year.
Also in the magazine there's a little review of the year, a chat with a gamer who beat Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy by building a custom gaming rig, a bit of a moan about the number of generic-looking PS3 characters, and a bit of a look behind the scenes at how a PSN game is made. Filed under rumours there are claims that IO is making the console versions of Dues Ex 3 as well as working on another three (?!) new games, LittleBigPlanet PSP is in development (told you) outside of Media Molecule and will be out next year, Smackdown vs Raw DLC will feature stupidly-named guys X, Y and Z (confirmed), EA is working on its own series of Rock Band-style games (wait, doesn't EA already publish Rock Band?), Sega has another licensed scifi shooter in development (lets just get Aliens out first), there will be a new 24 game, and, in nomination for vaguest rumour of the year award, "a renowned UK-based studio is working in a brand new, astonishing-looking urban crime game set for release in 2010". But if its Criterion (and it could be), that would be AWESOME.
In previews, there's new stuff on Overlord 2 (groan), SFIV (pretty), Dynasty Warriors 6 (this series is still going?), Killzone 2, HAWX (fugly), Bionic Commando (oh yes), UFC 2009 (more wrestling?), 50 Cent (yo), with an added brief mention of C&C Red Alert 3 brightening my day. Reviews include a 9 for The Game With An Acronym Longer Than Most Full Game Titles, a harsh 4 for Sonic, an 8 for Crash Commando, a 6 for the Prince of Persia Classic PSN game and new Spyro (noooooo!), a 7 for EndWar PSP (basically Clancy-themed Advance Wars), a 9 for SingStar Abba, a 7 for SingStar Volume 3, and a 5 for Disney's attempt Sing It, a happy-happy 8 for LocoRoco 2, 3 for Cabela's Shoot Animals in the Face 2009, 5 for the new Armoured Core, 6 for upcoming PSN zombie-em-up Burn Zombie Burn, *breathe* 5 for Novastrike, 3 for Spin Jam, 5 for NFS PSP, 5 for Crash 3: Warped, 3 for Theme Park, and 6 for the new Buzz on PSP. Jeezus. A month of mediocrity then.
Features include a retrospective of the Resident Evil series along with a new hands-on, but the main focus is Heavy Rain, the upcoming PS3 exclusive from the developers of the awesome Fahrenheit. There's a 12 page feature, that talks about the story, well, mentions it in passing - barely anything has been revealed so far, but there was discussion of the crime scene that makes up the game's opener, as well as lots of behind the scenes on the game's revolutionary mo-capping and intricate detail (plans are made, and then shipped off to outside studios who make up the millions of objects in the game - cars, trash cans etc in excruciating beautifulness - then it all goes back to the main developers to put together). There's also exclusive new shots!
But quit reading this brief overview, and head down to the shops yourself you lazy, cheap bastard; issue 27 (January 09) is available now and has the hairy face of a man from Heavy Rain on the front. Fly, my pretties, fly!
PS: In the 'how a PSN game is made' segment, PSN senior producer Phil Gaskell lets slip that he has been working on a new project with Stardust developers Housemarque. Yay!
Saturday, 27 December 2008
On Weekends and Roundups
Friday, 26 December 2008
PlayStation 3
HMV may not be the cheapest place around but its still managing to keep afloat (ooh burn, Woolies and Zavvi), and they currently have EndWar for £23, and Dead Space and Mercs 2 are £28. Fifa 09 is £22.98 at Game, along with Mirror's Edge for £19.98. Vegas 2, Far Cry 2 (special edition is £24.98), Saints Row 2 and Spyro are £17.98, and the newest Need for Speed, Midnight Club (awesome, impressions soon) and Force Unleashed are all £24.98. Play.com has the new Prince of Persia and Bioshock for £17.99, MotorStorm 2 for £29.99 and the official Rock Band 2 guitar for £29.99 too. Unfortunately, due to stock issues caused by the collapse of Woolworths, Resistance 2 is still full price everywhere, but I'll tell you as soon as that changes (probably cos I'll grab it). And if you don't care about getting top level games, Kane and Lynch is £9.98 on Amazon, Stuntman Ignition is £7.98 at Game, and Dark Sector is between £5-10 in quite a lot of places.
PlayStation Network
The Winter PSN sale that the Americans have been enjoying for a few weeks has finally made its way over to the greener shores of Europe with price cuts on a wide variety of games. Wipeout HD can be grabbed for £11.99 (theres a demo up now too), SSHD, Pain, Toy Home, and The Last Guy are all £3.99, in my opinion the sweet point for PSN games. Echochrome is down to a quite nice £4.79 too. Expansions for Toy Home (hmm) and Snakeball (why would you?) are £1.59 each, the Eye of Judgement set 2 and 3 combo pack is £8.39, and flOw for PSP is now only £3.99.
Over at Game, Frontlines is £5.98, the new Alone in the Dark (like Home Alone, but less festive) is £6.98, Hellgate London (the Tube in rush hour) is £9.98, Far Cry 2 is £14.98, Supreme Commander is £9.99 and Red Alert 3 is a smidgen under twenty quid (thats £19.99, for the morons out there). The Steam holiday sale is also crazy, they've got Portal and Bioshock for £3.49 a piece, Audiosurf for £2.99, Team Fortress 2, Counterstrike Source or Unreal Tournament 3 for only £6.99 each, World of Goo is £12.74, the original Half Life is £5.39 with both expansions down to 99p, GTA3 and Vice City are £5.39 and Beyond Good and Evil can be grabbed for £3.74.
And summing up the awesome deals, here are the best on Blu-Ray right now. HMV has got 3 movies for £30, which is nearly as good as the 3 for 2 offers at Amazon and Play.com, but beating them all out is ASDAs new 2 for £20, including hits like Transformers and Cloverfield for £12.98. Just incase you're around, Matalan has Casino Royale, Layer Cake, and a bunch of others for £12 each too.
In addition, the PSP remake of the original Final Fantasy is currently £9.99 on Play.com, and the limited edition Metal Gear Solid 4 watch is now only £97.86 at Gamestation. =O
Thursday, 25 December 2008
Merry Christmas!
So on behalf of the whole team here (Aquatic, Volcanic, Fryingpan and myself), I'd like to wish all our readers (especially you, you lovely people from The Sixth Axis) a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Savage Moon (PSN) Trophies
And I will create a rule, right here, right now, that we will only post trophy lists for games we will buy, to stop us from deterring from what we intend to become.
Bronze Trophies
- Xipe Imoon Trophy
- Ymir Imoon Trophy
- Zeus Imoon Trophy
- Imoon Agamemnon Trophy
- Imoon Technician Trophy
- Imoon-Bane Trophy
- Imoon Survivor
- Command Degree Trophy
- Command Credit Trophy
- Command Skill Credit Trophy
Silver Trophies
- Imoon Conqueror
- Imoon Artisan
Gold Trophies
- Imoon Admiral
This is the award for completion of all levels of the three Imoon nebulae without any damage to mining operations.
Saturday, 20 December 2008
Weekend Roundup XII
Yeah, yeah the Christmas LBP 'level' pack got released on Thursday. But who really gives a shit, when the amazing Metal Gear Solid pack was announced the day after, for release on this coming Tuesday (next week's Store update is Tuesday, 'cos it's Christmas on Thursday remember?). Aquatic already went over what to expect in the new content, including the new trophies, but I'm still ecstatic over the inclusion of the paintballing gun. All you online Happy Gadders, prepare to be paintinated. In the PS3's other online community, Home, the winds of change were also sweeping through. Aquatic listed the additions (seriously, he needs to get out more), but there is still a noticeable lack of any game spaces, with the most recent news postponing the Red Bull space that should have been out a week or so ago into January. Here's hoping gets its act together with regular updates to the service.
Amongst the bunch of us, we've been ignoring more and more of the last week of school and instead playing shitloads of games, and this will likely continue into the holidays, so don't expect to hear from us that often. Bioshock has stolen my heart entirely. Thank god some games still feel a storyline is important.
Psycho Groupie Cocaine Crazy
Psychonauts for £5.99 on Steam. Do it now.
Thursday, 18 December 2008

In case you haven't heard, that small company called Media Molecule is cooking up one HELL of a post-launch content-fest, this time in the form of two packs: The MGS Premium Costume Pack, and the MGS Premium Level Pack, both for $5.99 each!
The costume pack is what you'd expect, 4 costumes (Old Snake, Meryl, Screaming Mantis and Raiden) which can be bought for $1.99 each that adorn your Sack person in the most stealthily adorable costumes yet.
But the level pack...with that they'll be introducing a power-up called the Paintinator (sort of like the jetpack one) that allows the Sack person you're controlling to run around with a paintball gun and fire things! Your Sack person is equipped and with a press of a button fire's paintballs! This gun also comes with a paint detector switch that can be linked to a life bar! Meaning enemies...with actual health! But that's not all, this power-up leads the way for more possibilities; imagine it...
Snorkeling gear! Grants the Sack person to swim in pre-build objects of water! A lightsaber! Allows cutting through certain objects! The possibilities, much like that game, are endless.
But that's not all! The level pack also includes proper levels! 5 story ones and a challenge level, all in the theme of MGS. Completing the levels and collecting the prizes will net you with another costume (Gurlokovich Soldier), 72 stickers (!!!), 12 materials, 10 decorations, and 18 objects!
...BUT WAIT. THERE'S MORE. With that you'll also get:
- 1 new background music track.
- 3 new interactive music tracks.
- 1 new Metal Gear Solid themed ‘sound object’.
- New Plasma Ball ‘danger element’.
- New Laser Sight ‘gadget’. (hang on, what?)
- New functioning Searchlight lamp.
- QuickFire Artiste
- Rexecutioner
- Ace Act 3 and Act 4
- Ace Act 5: The Boss
- Paint Splurge
- Diamond Hunter
- Thrifty Painter
- METAL GEAR SOLID® Booty Master
- Paint Sharer
- Virtual Survivor
- Speedy Rexecutioner
...Bloody hell. Bring on the 23rd.
(awesome info courtesy of PSBlog and Internet)
Home Update v1.04: Shopping Centre
With an initial update of 13MB (then repeated updates of each space) we now have the chance to expand our wardrobe and furniture, in the form of:
-The Diesel Store - Here there are 17 tops for dudes and 4 for females (wtf? Bit unfair perhaps? Or maybe they assume most girls are guys, therefore will be wearing as little as possible) all pieces at £1.59 each
-The Ligne Roset Store - This is all furniture, so far with 3 new chairs (the first chair being free for some reason, so go grab it quick for now, and the other two being £1.59) and 4 snazzy tables (the first one being free again, the rest -you guessed it- £1.59).
-The Home Threads store - A bunch of stuff has been added to here. For guys there's:
-3 new hats.
-1 new pair of gloves.
-3 new tops.
-3 new trousers.
-3 new boots.
-3 new pairs of glasses.
Same goes for girls, 'cept there's only 1 new pair of glasses, but a new pair of earrings. Also, each group has a piece of clothing of Santa Claus (both male and female). Everything will cost you 59p each, except anything Christmassy, which is 79p.
-Finally on the Shopping Centre front, we have the furniture store, where we haaaave:
-2 new storage units.
-14 new ornaments.
Each costs 59p as per usual, cept the X-Mas tree and the snowman, which are 79p.
And there we go, apart from a couple of Loco Roco 2 adverts and posters, that's all that's been added to the Shopping Centre. New Home Square is being downloaded now, and I'll make another post if/when that's changed!
Your friendly Home lurker, AW.
(and yes I totally bought the santa stuff)
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Whatever You Want
- Want the Astro Tripper trophy list? Right here.
- Yes, GTi Club has trophies too, they're here.
- So does Blast Factor. Looky here.
- The Wanderer's awesome Home unlockable list is here, for those people of you looking for it.
- The GECK add-on for Fallout 3 is indeed now available on PC, and no we don't think it'll be coming to PS3. Should GECK make it to a console at all, Microsoft already bought the exclusive rights to console DLC.
- And if you're trying to get the Blast Factor trophies and happen to be in Europe, that would explain why you're not getting any, the trophy patch is yet to go live here. And no, we don't know when it's coming. Here's hoping soon (and ditto for Echochrome and High Velocity Bowling).
- The latest we've heard, the Resident Evil 5 demo is coming "early 2009".
- A red exclamation mark on a costume in your LBP Popit menu means there is an issue with the costume. This can be for one of two reasons: either the account you downloaded the costume from has been deleted from your PS3 (or the password has changed if you've got it from another account) so the costume has been de-autorised. If this isn't applicable or the mark shows up on a costume you've made yourself, it's a problem with your game data file. There's nothing you can do apart from delete the data and try again.
- Oh, and you can get Home by just going to the Home icon under the PlayStation Network category in the XMB.
Sustained Imagery

EA have since denied these rumours, and claim that the series will continue, but the rumour could very easily have been an official press release. Undercover has been slated across the board, and although it is seen as a step up from last year’s horrendous ProStreet, it just shows a lack of real progression in the series, a problem that is currently affecting all of EA’s annually updated properties, such as the Sports games. I’m not saying that these games should move to a Burnout-inspired business model – supporting a game long after release, and putting in a decent-length development period. But clearly something does need to be done, as these solid sales bases are what have supported the company’s recent attempts with new intellectual property, such as Dead Space and Mirrors Edge.
My solution lies in a platform that already exists, and a concept that has already been tried. A couple of years back, Tomb Raider: Anniversary was released on the Xbox Live Marketplace as DLC for those who owned the Tomb Raider: Legend disk. The download contained the enhancements made to the Legend engine for the sequel, as well as the actual game content. Although obviously this would not be possible for sequels where the engine has been significantly reworked, but for franchises such as FIFA or NBA where quite minor tweaks make up the yearly releases, a downloadable version would make sense, and if appropriately priced (say £20) it might even increase sales. I’m not saying that the downloads would replace the disk outright, but right now, EAs annual updates simply are not selling as well as they used to at retail, as the public does not see the value in buying a barely enhanced game for full price every year. But will EA take the risk, in order to reap the rewards later?
Monday, 15 December 2008
Seriously, where the hell are Team ICO?
I think they ascended when no-one was paying attention.
They reached a higher plane of creative being
and just turned into complete energy.
I decided to spend some brief time in actual shops over last weekend, and what was I to find, but Blu-Ray versions of some great Network titles. Sure Siren Blood Curse was meant to come out on disk, but then it got sort of cancelled, and everyone forgot. But I sure as hell didn't know Ratchet and Clank mini-adventure Quest for Booty was out! And for those of you into wasting time by attempting to boost your intelligence (and failing), recently-released download Brain Challenge is also available.
So pop into your local Game store, or just hop on their website for some great PSN deals!
The time for vengeance is near....
The battle lines have been drawn, the Xbox fanboys have massed. A gaggle of twitching halo pumped morons who's only goal in life is to shout furiously down their pre-supplied headset.
4 [and anyone else that fancies a picnic really] lone gamers stand in their way.
Sign up, join up and begin the fight!
Join here
Microsoft: Behind the mask
Its time for some shocking truths about Microsoft...
- In 2006 they sued an orphanage for breach of copyright
- In 2007 they attempted to steal Christmas
- And now, in 2008 Microsoft have experimented on kittens.
Comment and report any suspicious Microsoft activity.

Howdy there, Octopus here with the news from last nights Spike Video Game Awards 2008! Whilst we slept, the Americans got to watch Jack Black clowning around on national television, and a shitload of new trailers. Here are the videos:
- Uncharted 2: Among Thieves trailer.
- God of War III trailer.
- Watchmen: The End is Nigh trailer.
- Dante's Inferno trailer.
- Brutal Legend trailer.
- Mafia II trailer.
- Terminator: Salvation trailer.
- Fight Night Round Four trailer.
- GTAIV: The Lost and the Damned trailer (cos it'll probably come out on PS3 at some point).
- Best Independent Game: World of Goo.
- Studio of the Year: Media Molecule.
- Game of the Year: Grand Theft Auto IV.
- Best Team Sports Game: NHL 09.
- Big Name in the Game (Female): Jenny McCarthy as "Tanya".
- Big Name in the Game (Male): Kiefer Sutherland as "Sgt. Roebuck".
- Best Performance by a Human Female: Debi Mae West as "Meryl Silverburgh".
- Best Performance by a Human Male: Michael Hollick as "Niko Bellic"
- Best Multiplayer Game: Left4Dead.
- Best Original Score: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.
- Best PC Game: Left4Dead.
- Best PS3 Game: LittleBigPlanet.
- Best Wii Game: Boom Blox.
- Best Xbox 360 Game: Gears of War 2.
- Best Soundtrack: Rock Band 2.
- Best Action Adventure Game: Grand Theft Auto IV.
- Best Driving Game: Burnout Paradise.
- Best Music Game: Rock Band 2.
- Best Game Based on a Movie or TV Show: Lego Indiana Jones.
- Best Graphics: Metal Gear Solid 4.
- Best Handheld Game: Professor Layton and the Curious Village.
- Best Individual Sports Game: Shaun White Snowboarding.
- Best Fighting Game: Soul Calibur IV
- Best RPG: Fallout 3.
- Best Shooter: Gears of War 2.
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Saturday, 13 December 2008
Indecent Proposal
What are you waiting for? Click here.
They Tried To Flog Me Lost...
I was happy, very happy until I realised one of the 4 games was Lost: Via Domus [dun dun dun].
So as it says on Wikipedia [the source of all factual knowledge]....
''Lost: Via Domus received generally negative to mixed reviews from critics and fans alike. Based on 34 reviews, the Xbox 360 version currently holds a percentage of 58% at Game Rankings, and a score of 56 at Metacritic, based on 13 reviews.''
Knowing this I was not only shocked but also insulted.
I left the shop with all due haste, heading for the local Gamestation, arriving in a bad mood I was pleasantly surprised by the friendly staff and lack of Lost bundles. I decided to spite Game [which also actually owns Gamestation after a £75 million takeover in '07] and buy it from there. So after some strong haggling and some impulse buying [of a DS..yes i dont know why either] I got a DS with Super mario and Brain training and Starter pack + a 80GB PS3 with Farcry2, Smackdown '09 [Shut up its fun], Ratchet and Clank ToD and CoD WaW all for £487 instead of the asked £650.
Weekend Roundup XI
Of course the big news this week, regardless of your platform preference, is the long-awaited release of PlayStation Home. The virtual world that likely needs no introduction is now available to everyone, simply go along to the new Home icon under the PlayStation Network category on the XMB to commence downloaditations. The Wanderer has already had a bit of a moan about the lack of new stuff for us beta-ers but for everyone else its all new, so enjoy. Apparently there's also a stream of new content coming starting this week.
Aside from Home, this week has been remarkably mixed playing-wise. I realised I had too many games going at the same time and stuck Battlefield and GTA on my 'to play over the Christmas holidays' pile, and instead focused on Bioshock and Mirror's Edge. Bioshock just gets more awesome as it goes on, and prettier too, and just this week I restored the forests of Arcadia and completed Sander Cohen's masterpiece! My progress in Mirror's Edge is noticeably slower due to the requirement of actual intelligence whilst playing, although I am now well over halfway through the game now, somewhere in Level 6.
The Wanderer hasn't been as tied to his gaming as me, but has stuck in some time with LittleBigPlanet and reports that Astro Tripper is incredibly fun, something I too can correlate after stealing it from his download list. The Farmer is now back with us after quite a serious bout of illness, and playing FIFA, I guess he'll probably want his copies of FarCry and Fallout back at some point now. Newbie Armadillo has been playing some SimCity 4 (hey, it's a step up from last weeks game about the American Civil War), in which he made me a black man and then sent a tornado my way. I also hear that he's off to get his buy-now, recieve-at-Xmas PS3 bundle this weekend too. For those of you after a good offer, Game currently has an 80GB PS3 with Resistance 2 (yay!), Fallout 3 (sorta-yay!), LBP (uberyay!) and the Lost game (maybe good for a trade-in?) for just £289.99. That's roughly £120 off.
Here on the blog, I left most of the work to the others this week whilst instead working through some essays in order to get a decent parents evening report. Elsewhere on the internet:
- Rockstar announced some free and paid DLC is coming early next year to expand Midnight Club LA.
- Some crazy Americans decided they would quite fancy having a Halo-themed wedding.
- Apple goes nuts and claims the iPhone is a worthy competitor to the DS.
- But then again, a 3D desktop would be pretty cool.
- And Wired discovered an awesomely intimidating-looking computer filled with cooling oil.
Friday, 12 December 2008
Store Detectives: 12/12/08
Speaking of PSone games, Jet Rider 2 is good, but not really enough of an improvement on the original to warrant buying if you bought 1 the other week. If you don't have either, I'd still go for one, if you're gonna buy a retro game, it may as well be the most retro one of the two. Puzzle Quest is apparently good, but unfortunately I have no desire whatsoever to buy it. Generic to the max?
So, to DLC. The Street Fighter costumes available now for LBP are so great, and guaranteed to be cuter than their PAIN equivalents whenever they come out. And even if you know nothing about Street Fighter (like me), the guy with lots of facial hair would sure be a good start for a Mr T sackboy. I'm liking the teasy Christmas costume too (for those out of the loop, half of the Santa costume is out now, with the other half coming next week). The Tom Clancy pack, I am told by those with the game, is hideously overpriced for what's included, which amounts to very little actual playable content, and would be much more attractive at a £3.49 price point. For those without the game (me included) it is now down to £25 at a lot of sites.
Out of the trailers, the Crash Commando one is hilarious, the Prince of Persia (theatrical) one is epic, and the Soldner-X one is meh. Seriously, I don't know what people like about this game, it looks so generic! This week's Shoot film "Prison Food" is also pretty good, starring two criminals who retreat into their imaginations for Sunday dinners. There's no "Hands"-style twist, but it's good nonetheless. Although the GTi Club wallpaper is nice if you have nothing better to put there, the EndWar ones are quite nice, but if you choose to keep the plain XMB you'll see it get progressively paler to reach its snowy white later this month.
This week I recommend Astro Tripper and the free LBP DLC for download, as well as the EndWar wallpapers. If you're a Street Fighter fan longing for SSF2THDR, maybe the costume pack will tide you over to more inevitable disappointment next week.
Steaming Ahead
So TF2 eh? Been out a fair while now, I remember sitting up waiting for the beta to download. Happy times.
Anyway, for anyone who has been outta the loop since yesterday, an update has been released. It isn't quite as huge as the last few (Heavy, Pyro and Medic) but is still likely to have quite a large affect on the gameplay. Here are the changes:
- The Engineer's teleporters can now be upgraded to level three. It will recharge faster the higher level it is
- The Engineer's dispensers can now be upgraded to level three. It will give out metal and heal faster as it is upgraded
- Spies will be able to recharge their cloaking ability by picking up ammo off of the ground or from health cabinets
- Some changes to the second part of the first stage of Goldrush to give the attackers more of an advantage
- Any weapons that fire bullets (shotguns, sniper's machine gun, heavy's minigun, etc.) can now break apart the Demoman's stickybombs
- The icon on the HUD for a person calling for Medic will now give more information to the medic (if the target is low on health, on fire, etc.)
- Added an achievement tracker that will allow people to choose specific achievements that they are trying to get
- There is now a custom icon for death messages when the player was killed from a critical hit
- Added a new particle effect for when a player enters the water
- Added smoke to the feet of a rocket jumping soldier
- Players will now have some particles swirling around them so other players can see when they are overhealed
So thats a pretty decisive list. Some may seem trivial, but I think they will balance some aspects out, for example the fact that stickies can now be shot up means that Demo-men are no longer impassable beasts.
Spies, if the player is intelligent, will now be able to stay invisible for much longer, which is a good thing in my opinion, since there was nothing more annoying then getting half way across the bridge on 2fort and suddenly being visible....

Loveeee Pan
Thursday, 11 December 2008
That's what it feels like in Home right now. After years of development, it's finally released and ready for god knows how many people to flood in thrusting and harassing their way to fame. I was worried that the servers would struggle, Sony never seems to be good at guessing them kind of things, but right now it's all pretty smooth. Octopus is reporting some instabilities, but it could be random, who knows.
Couple of things that we need to point out that are missing:
- Everything
So for you beta testers logging in now, don't be alarmed there's nothing new, but you newbies, go out there, make some friends, dance suggestively (in that order) and have fun.
What can we say? Home, is finally...Home.
Astro Tripper Trophies
Bronze Trophies:
- Pod Oppressor - Destroy 10 mutated pods in any one level of training grounds.
- Spidery Point - Destroy the Spidery Boss on Arachnophobia [without destroying any of its weapons].
- Tank Oppressor - Destroy 20 tanks in sequence.
Silver Trophies:
- Tank Sympathiser - Destroy both generators on Claustrophobia without killing a Tank.
- Fly Swatter - Destroy 3 Flypods withing 5 seconds on any level of Insect Infestation.
- Sneeky Incursion - Destroy the Boss without opening more than one outer door. Only 1 of the 3 outer doors may be open to any degree.
Gold Trophies:
- Worm Tangle - Destroy 3 Worms in sequence on The Ooze.
- Wheel Collector - Complete level Fizz Wheels without killing a Fizz Wheel (the rolling wheels connected by a laser).
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Although for the purposes of this blog I'm Volcanic Armadillo...Ahoy.
I love RTS's especially the Total War series, anything Red Alert and also Rise of Nations. Of course you now may be thinking ''Oh [factually conspicuous] sweet Jesus, they've let a PC gamer on here''...well do not fear! Yes I love my PC like the brother I never had but I also appreciate the place of the Console [under my bed in a cardboard box] in this world.
I'm getting a PS3 at Christmas so will be able to expand my frontiers then, until that time however get ready for a blog on the wonders of Sim City 4 and the many obscure indie games that make the PC a very exciting format.
Sunday, 7 December 2008
Eurogamer Expo: Resident Evil 5

So, gameplay. Ever played Resident Evil 4? There's the gameplay right there. Won't go into it in detail because you could easily read a review of how Resi 4 plays and get exactly the same impression. There was an added gunner mode, but this was hardly different and found myself defecting back to the 'traditional' controls of it's predecessor.
Both graphics and sound were without fault, though you could see how models, textures and sound effects had been re-used since the last game, just mix 'n' matched with each other to stay fresh. Not a problem though, since these were done perfectly in Resi 4!
Finally comes the fun. I don't understand many other people's experiences with Resident Evil 4; they didn't get scared, they weren't tense, and it was just another action game for them. Whether it's me being a wuss or my deep fear for zombies coming into play, but I found Resident Evil 4 damn scary at times. Maybe not horror scary or jump-out-of-my-seat scary, but scary in a "oh shit it's right behind me I gotta find some ammo before it tongue-rapes me in the ears" or something like that. Resident Evil 5 keeps this same scare factor and amplifies it; there are more enemies, more guns, and much less darkness. And hey, scary = fun.
The Resi 5 demo confirmed to me what I have been told countless times. And that is Resident Evil 5 is practically next-gen Resident Evil 4 with shit loads of polish.
And you know what? Bring it on.
Overheard in Home
"Are you sitting in the naughty corner?"
Comic: Racist Undertones
Home is full of people who do not have the Sony chatpad, a USB keyboard, or a headset of some kind. Thankfully the nice people at SCE have gifted these chaps with pre-set phrases to really get to know whoever you want to. Phrases include "Hello" and "I have no keyboard".
Now, this is a great idea in theory but since there's about 10 phrases, once they've been used up, conversation ceases and it just become awkward. Here's a scene that's happened to me countless times, causing me to surmise the entire population of Home is racist.

First ever webcomic, so go easy!
Weekend Roundup X: Part Two
In fact, it has been quite a varied week for all of us. I spent the beginning of the week playing around in Rapture, and decided that Bioshock (as has been claimed) is a fantastic game. I'll hav my own thoughts on the game during this week, but for a spoiler, it's superydupery. I've also been playing bits and bobs of Warhawk here and there, and brought myself early Christmas presents in the form of Battlefield Bad Company and the spectacular Mirrors Edge, which are also both superydupery. And due to the shittiness of the Store update this week, I reached back into the archives and brought Blast Factor. Where did I suddenly get all this money from? Well I didn't. So I guess the credit crunch is partly my fault. Oh, and I finally reached Level 7 on PSN!
Aquatic has also been ravaging a rather mixed bag, after deciding he didn't like Fallout, he's been flicking between finishing off Dead Space and messing about in Warhawk, with Blast Factor (stolen from me) filling in the bits in between. He was equally unimpressed with the Store update, but still threatened to download everything just to spite my recommendation. I killed all his family. But there has been one place we've been in and out of all week: Home. Seriously, the whole thing is so fun, and I can't see either of us ignoring it this week coming either.
Unfortunately the Farmer is quite ill (he's got the flu), and so hasn't been playing anything at all!
We've got plenty planned for next week here on the blog, so pop by again soon!
Saturday, 6 December 2008
Weekend Roundup X: Part One
As most studios now begin the slowdown before Christmas, game related news has been thin, but there have been bits and bobs here and there to keep us all just about occupied, and that's not to mention the now massive pile of games to be played from the rest of this year.
The main news this week isn't even really news - the announcement that Uncharted 2 will be formally announced in just over a week at the Video Game Awards presented by Spike. As well as the first full trailer for the new game, subtitled Among Theives, there will be a new trailer for God of War III, an annoucement of EA's Fight Night Round 4, and a trailer for the recently-revealed GTA IV content. All I can say is for anyone getting a PS3 for Christmas, there's a lot to look forward to next year.
Elsewhere, Home got its first substantial content update, with some downtime to add content to the stores and trailers for Pineapple Express and Watchmen amongst other bits in the beta, and another update later in the week got people excited that the Open Beta is coming very soon. Myself and Aquatic are loving Home so far, and we will be going into some detail about our experiences during the next week.
And the rest of the week in list form!
- PS2 games for download from the store got rerumoured, and then pretty much confirmed by an ESRB rating listing.
- A new, quite awesome-looking, PSN game called Trine stole our hearts and attention.
- In other PSN news, Crash Commando and Savage Moon both got dated for release in December in the US, and hopefully a European release isn't far off.
- And a school for deaf children fell in love with the PSP.
Friday, 5 December 2008
Store Detectives: 05/12/08

Well well, it's gonna be a short post this week. Not because there's a small update, but because so much of it is shit.
To begin with however, there is one good thing here: Sony are keeping up with the whole releasing classic PSone games on the store. This week, both are quite good (Red Alert Retaliation and Jet Rider), and neither cost £6 (in fact, it seems £3.99 is the new price point). I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank EA for their support of the Store and in particular the PSone Classics thus far.
Unfortunately, that's about all the good content this week. Even trophies couldn't make me buy GTi Club+ (read Aquatic's hands-on here), and Brain Challenge looks even worse. Unless of course you go for that sort of thing. In which case, the incredibly boring trophy list should stop you in your tracks. The Lego Batman demo is marginally more exciting, in the same way being shot in the crotch and having your eyes gouged out with a spoon made of pain would be more interesting than being shot alone. It's just like all the other Lego games, just more stale.
Whilst the LittleBigPlanet is gorgeous as ever (love the Japanese) and free, from friends with the other games with DLC this week, it all seems very little for extortionately high prices, something which is apparently most relevant to the Force Unleashed bits and bobs.
Whilst the Skate 2 trailers are quite nice, they don't really excite me that much (re-release Pro Skater 4 for PSone please), but this weeks Shoot short film is fantastic. "Hands" is very clever, and I actively encourage you to go watch it yourselves. Oh and Sony, sticking the Resistance 2 trailers on the release list doesn't make them new - they came out the other week. The Undercover wallpaper is quite nice, as are a couple of the EndWar ones, but the rest of the 'papers and themes are fugly as ever.
So, you know what, this week you don't need to spend anything at all! Unless you want the PSone games, which are pretty nice, but don't you have enough games to be playing now anyway? It's nearly Christmas.
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Blast Factor Trophies
Bronze Trophies:
- Junior Researcher: Complete Blast Factor Specimen 1.
- Graduate Researcher: Complete Blast Factor Specimen 4.
- Advanced Junior Researcher: Complete Advanced Research Specimen 1.
- Advanced Graduate Researcher: Complete Advanced Research Specimen 4.
- Chain-Tastic: Get x100 chain multiplier.
- Survivor: Finish a Survival Cell without dying.
- Jackpot: Complete a Specimen without dying.
- Mix It Up: Complete Hybrid Mode.
- Death Wish: Complete a Boss Cell without using the Repulsor.
- Doing the Dishes: Flip 10 Big Tip enemies with one tip.
- Chain Gang: Destroy 5 Big Chains with one shot.
- The Cleaner: Complete a Cell using the Super Repulsor.
- Matador: Dodge 10 Repulsed Back ARs at the same time.
- Life is Good: Get 10 lives.
- Head Researcher: Complete Blast Factor Specimen 7.
- Advanced Head Researcher: Complete Advanced Research Specimen 7.
- Ultimate Survivor: Finish all Survival Cells without dying.
- Immortal: Complete 3 consecutive Specimens without dying.
- Death Wish Part 2: Complete a Survival Cell without using the Repulsor.
- Death Wish Part 3: Complete a Boss Cell without destroying any enemies.
- Friends Forever: Complete Blast Factor in co-op (any mode).
- Tough Guy: Complete all hard Cells in any mode.
- Attention to Detail: Complete all Cells in any mode.
- Speed Master: Finish Basic Research in 2xAT mode.
- Advanced Speed Master: Finish Advanced Research in 2xAT mode.
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Weekend Roundup #9
Likely you'll be seeing a lot more on the topic of Home soon, but this week has also been pretty bare. But there's one very good reason for this, probably the best possible reason in fact, and that is that we've all been playing very good new games. Fryingpan has been digging into Call of Duty World at War, as well as defending himself against increasingly more deadly zombies in Left 4 Dead. Aquatic has been engaging with mutants and hacking into supermarket intercoms in Fallout 3, and working through the second half of Dead Space so I can steal it. I myself have been playing FarCry 2, which makes you think quite differently to the normal first-person shooter in order to succeed. Oh and a package arrived for me this morning: