In case you haven't heard, that small company called Media Molecule is cooking up one HELL of a post-launch content-fest, this time in the form of two packs: The MGS Premium Costume Pack, and the MGS Premium Level Pack, both for $5.99 each!
The costume pack is what you'd expect, 4 costumes (Old Snake, Meryl, Screaming Mantis and Raiden) which can be bought for $1.99 each that adorn your Sack person in the most stealthily adorable costumes yet.
But the level pack...with that they'll be introducing a power-up called the Paintinator (sort of like the jetpack one) that allows the Sack person you're controlling to run around with a paintball gun and fire things! Your Sack person is equipped and with a press of a button fire's paintballs! This gun also comes with a paint detector switch that can be linked to a life bar! Meaning enemies...with actual health! But that's not all, this power-up leads the way for more possibilities; imagine it...
Snorkeling gear! Grants the Sack person to swim in pre-build objects of water! A lightsaber! Allows cutting through certain objects! The possibilities, much like that game, are endless.
But that's not all! The level pack also includes proper levels! 5 story ones and a challenge level, all in the theme of MGS. Completing the levels and collecting the prizes will net you with another costume (Gurlokovich Soldier), 72 stickers (!!!), 12 materials, 10 decorations, and 18 objects!
...BUT WAIT. THERE'S MORE. With that you'll also get:
- 1 new background music track.
- 3 new interactive music tracks.
- 1 new Metal Gear Solid themed ‘sound object’.
- New Plasma Ball ‘danger element’.
- New Laser Sight ‘gadget’. (hang on, what?)
- New functioning Searchlight lamp.
Bronze Trophies
- QuickFire Artiste
- Rexecutioner
- Ace Act 3 and Act 4
- Ace Act 5: The Boss
- Paint Splurge
- Diamond Hunter
- Thrifty Painter
- METAL GEAR SOLID® Booty Master
- Paint Sharer
Silver Trophies
- Virtual Survivor
- Speedy Rexecutioner
...Bloody hell. Bring on the 23rd.
(awesome info courtesy of PSBlog and Internet)
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