Winner: Warhawk (PS3/PSN)
I think that Warhawk deserves this prize, purely because it pulls off this whole Trophy balance thing perfectly, and also because they patched such an old game when many others didn't bother. The list for Warhawk features a couple of easy bronzes, and then a mix of bronze silver and gold for quirky events in-game, as well as ranking up. But it is the surprise trophies that are the best - when you are playing a perfectly normal frantic game, and just see a random trophy pop-up.
Runner Up: Pain (PSN)
Pain is here because its trophies really seperate the men from the boys -they are bastard hard, and require a helluva lotta commitment to the game.
Runner Up: Burnout Paradise (PS3/PSN)
Runner Up: LittleBigPlanet (PS3)
These two are here because they, like Warhawk, get the balance just right, and use the trophies to encourage players to get involved with the community.
Runner Up: WipEout HD (PSN)
In this list just because you know you've won at life when you acheive 'Trancendence"
Honourable Mention: Linger in Shadows (PSN) & Far Cry 2 (PS3)
Their trophies aren't as great as the rest on this list, but here as honourable mentions because of the sheer WTF factor. LiS' trophies are acheived by messing with the game/movie with the controller, and have useless descriptions. Far Cry 2's are just as unhelpful descripton-wise and sound a lot more epic than they likely actually are.
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