Fryingpan is the only one doing anything new this week, and has been completely contactable since acquiring Left 4 Dead on Friday. He reports it is quite awesome, or at least he would if he hadn't already assumed his role as Defender Against the Undead (a role Aquatic is highly envious of). Aquatic himself has gone underground as well, popping up only occasionally to show me how his epic LittleBigPlanet level is coming along. Hint: it is suhweeet. And me? Well I've gone back to GTA. I've been meaning to jump back in since the trophy patch launched, as it gave me some kind of purpose to restarting the game, and not cocking up/using cheats. I also started a new game of Uncharted on Crushing, and died in the introduction. Fail indeed.
There are some bits and bobs you may have seen or may have missed however: here's my pick of the internet this week:
- Sony decides on mandatory trophies in '09...
- ...and pledges more actual 'classic' PSone games on the Store.
- YouTube launches trials of HD videos with surround sound.
- Google's SecondLife-clone Lively is declared dead.
- The good people at PlanetFallout created a nifty Google Map of the game world.
- A boy gets diagnosed with PlayStation Addiction.
- Next year's GTAIV downloadable content finally gets announced.
- And the gorgeous Linger in Shadows soundtrack gets released on the Store.*
Octopus done.
(*Oh yes I did.)
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