Well, its finally time to write that post. I'd say I was flipping the switch, but really there's no switch to flip, because in fact the all new ThinkWithPortals is already live on the web. Confused? If it's about car insurance, you'll want this site. If the aforementioned confusion is in fact relevant to the blog, read on. Oh and if you're on the new site now, you can read on by clicking the 'Continue?' button just below here.
Over the past couple of weeks, the team here has been working on a whole new website just for you (and also that guy). We've posted a bit about the new site already, but seeing as it's now switchover time, I guess we go ahead and explain all about the new blog. You will of course receive just the same fantastic journalistic talent as before, including genius-level wit, biting satire, and reviewing games months after they are released. And the team is the same: ex-Ninty fanboy Aquatic Wanderer, the moustachioed Fluorescent Octopus, and warring PC/PS3 gamers Farmer Fryingpan and Volcanic Octopus. So that's what's staying the same. Time for what's changed.
You may notice that Keybrood is sporting a whole new sexy blue look. That's right, our site design is complete! It took us a lot of trial and error, but with the advice of VA, coding skillz of myself and the artistic fumblings of AW, the layout has finally fallen into place. Smaller changes may be made over the next week perhaps, but what you see here will more or less be what you'll see for quite a while. So get used to it!
More importantly, starting this week, regular features 'Store Detectives' (Friday) and 'Weekly Roundup' (Sunday) will be joined by a couple of all new features. 'Home Capers' will be a regular look at new content and humorous goings-on in PlayStation Home, arriving every Wednesday. 'Kompetitive' will be a lovely gloating session from Armadillo, as he looks over our many multiplayer battles of the past week, and whilst this will be about just us to begin with, we really want to open it up to you, our readers, so get involved by commenting! Also at the top there you may have noticed the mysterious 'Podcast'. While nothing is up yet, plans are in motion to get our thoughts captured using sound (mainly from our mouths), and into the form of awesomeness for you Internet people to listen to, but this will probably happen whenever possible/we feel like it.
You may also remember the comic Aquatic posted a few months ago, now on its own page under 'Comic'. We intend to pester him enough to get this into a regular occurrence, so when you're not in fits of hilarity caused by our writings, we hope that pictures will do it. And finally we have the Trophy list, (arguably one of the most integral parts of any gaming site) where you'll find links to most (if not all) Trophies for any PS3 game out there with them.
There we have it, a definitive list of what we aim to achieve in the short times coming. I don't know about you, but I get excited just thinking about it.
And with a push of the 'Publish' button, we usher in a new era for ThinkWithPortals. The Keybrood Era.
And we hope you enjoy it.
The ThinkWithPortals/Keybrood Team
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